Live Instruction via Webcam with Video Swing Analysis

With your laptop, smart phone or tablet webcam you can take a live lesson with Jim Waldron, from your home or the practice range. You will be able to see and to interact with Jim in real time. This is an exciting, new and affordable method of instruction that will become increasingly popular in the coming decade.

Jim Waldron will analyze video of your golf swing, short game stroke or putting stroke and then engage in a live interactive lesson with you via webcam (Facetime, Duo, Hangouts, etc.). You can send us your video via email, Google Drive, or the link to your own private YouTube account. (See Full Swing Videotaping instructions below.)

One hour lesson:  $180 (15 minute video analysis/45 minute webcam lesson)
90 minute lesson: $265 (15 minute video analysis/75 minute webcam lesson)
Three hour series: $525
Six hour series: $1,025
Nine hour series: $1,525
Twelve hour series: $1,995

Hourly rate for golf school and yips program graduates: $170

 Mental Game Phone Consultation

Learn how to master the mental game and breakthrough to a higher level of golf performance from one of the nation's foremost golf mental game instructors. Jim is a certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Patterning, the most effective method of sports performance enhancement as well as a longtime student and teacher of Eastern concentration and meditation techniques, and a certified hypno-therapist. Confidence-building, concentration training, handling pressure effectively, and staying focused and in control of your thoughts and emotions while playing golf are just a few of the topics covered in our mental game private lesson program. Learn a professional level preshot routine and discover true shotmaking consistency. Minimum of 30 minutes of consultation. Additional time is billed in 15 minute increments.

How to Register for Remote Lessons

To request a remote lesson, please email or call our office at 503-997-2063. We will arrange a time for your Remote Lesson and send you the instructions for how to videotape your swing and/or putting stroke.

Full Swing Videotaping Instructions

1. Film 3 swings, 6 iron, no golf ball. Use a tee on the ground as your ball replacement from caddie view.*

2. Film close-up shot of your left hand grip on the club, then both hands.

3. Film three swings each club, from both DTL** and caddie views: wedge, 6 iron, hybrid and driver. Speak into the camera and report on the ball flight result.

* Caddie view is face-on view, camera focused at your sternum.
** DTL (down the line) view is camera behind you looking toward the target. Camera must be halfway between your toeline and the target line.

Google Drive is a good way to send videos to us.