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Jim Waldron's Balance Point Golf

My primary goal as a teacher of this great game is to give my students the insights and information that will enable them to breakthrough to extraordinary golf.

My teaching method is a blend of biomechanics and mindfulness practice, covering both the "what to do" with your body and club, and the "how to do it" with your mental approach to learning, training and performing in golf."

- Jim Waldron

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Twice chosen by Golf Magazine as one of the Top 25 Golf Schools in the nation.

"The most significant advancement in golf instruction in over twenty-five years....alumni of the golf schools told us that their experiences were overwhelmingly positive in helping them to play better golf."

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“I learned more about the golf swing and how the game is played in five days with you than I learned in my previous 45 years of reading, instruction and playing. Your knowledge and enthusiasm made for a truly valuable learning experience. Having attended other golf schools and seeing only minor improvement and gaining little real knowledge, I am truly a convert and true disciple of Jim Waldron and the Great Shot! golf school!"

- Herb Hipsher, Hawaii

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"My ball striking ability has already improved beyond what I had hoped I could ever achieve. I'm making such consistently good contact that my scores are now regularly in the 70"s...I'm gaining at least 10 yards in distance on all of my clubs and am hitting some of the longest drives of my career. Thanks, Jim!"

- RD Ferren, OR after taking our Great Shot! school

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"Outstanding! I am amazed at your knowledge and your ability to breakdown the golf swing on a physical, mental and emotional level. Thank you for making practice so fun, especially on the range. And thanks for already helping me to realize my potential to play better golf - my short game has already greatly improved."

- Bob Jalovi, Spokane, WA after attending our Great Shot! and Short Game schools

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"Mr. Waldron – thank you so much for being such a great teacher. You quickly diagnosed by real problem and got my game back on track. Your insights and ability to communicate your concepts has helped my golf game tremendously."

- Clare Dittemore, winner of four tournaments within weeks of working with Jim Waldron

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The Yips Whisperer

The worst thing that can happen to any golfer is a severe case of yips. It can be a maddening affliction that makes many golfers want to quit the game they love. Fortunately, there is a way to cure the yips. Jim Waldron has developed a system proven over and over again to be very effective at completely and quickly eliminating the root causes of the yips. By dealing with all four root causes from the outset, progress is rapid and permanent.

Jim will show you why you yip in the first place, how to use your conscious mind mental focus in a way that makes it virtually impossible to yip, how to shift your emotional state from a negative to a positive in just a few seconds, and how simple mechanical changes will make your brain use new “yip-free” neuromuscular pathways to perform the swing or stroke.

His mind/body connection approach has a 99.5% success rate with students using the in person instruction option, and a 94% success rate for students who choose the real time webcam/online program. Fixing your yips permanently is indeed possible.

Jim works with golfers with all types of yips. Chipping yips and short game yips are the most common type, with full swing yips and driver yips a close second. Jim also has cured scores of golfers with putting yips, pitching yips and bunker yips.

Jim can work with you in person or remotely via webcam.

Jim discusses his approach to fixing the golf yips with Karl Morris on the popular golf podcast "Brain Booster." HERE
Video clip on Jim's Cure the Yips program. HERE
Podcast on Jim's Cure the Yips program. HERE

What Jim's students are saying about his Yips instruction...

"I have played some of my best golf in the last 3 weeks.  Three of my lowest scores at home course.  Two 9 holes scores of even par. Two rounds of 78/79. Better chipping has knocked 4-6 shots of my scores.  Around 75% of the time - I’m hitting good to very good chips.  No more short game yips! Confidence has increased exponentially.  Anxiety has decreased exponentially.

All of our work has also flowed through to my driving (best it’s ever been) and ball striking.  My game within 100 yards has improved tremendously.  My enjoyment level has also skyrocketed. I am really pleased with the progress given its only 2 months since we were together.

A breakthrough week for me - the outcome of good practice, our process and a focused yet quiet mind resulted in 4 rounds in the 70’s! 77,78,78,79.  First time in my golf “career” I’ve ever had more than one round in the 70’s in a week. But four!  No double bogies - B+ chipping, much sharper within 100 yards.  No yips, no standup/lookup blades...

All I can say is your process/our process works! Patience, persistence, emotional detachment and positivity!     Jeff S, Mount Kisco, NY

"No more yips! Just played another senior tournament and it’s the best result I have had in a while. Finished top 10

with two rounds of +3 and +2. Hit the ball great. back to how I used to hit the ball and the distances that I used to hit. The first day of the tournament I hit the first twelve greens in regulation and had 24 putts!!! Then I missed a few but ended up with 3 missed greens and 3 bogies...if I putt half decently I win this tournament. 

 For the record today I hit a 9i 146m today the full distance that I wanted to hit which I haven’t done forever and then I hit a 7i 180m way further than I was expecting.

Thanks for all your advice and help regarding my yips issue. It was a year ago that I reached out to you.... It’s been a long journey but there has been amazing progress!"      Robi M, Capetown, South Africa

"This is long overdue, but wanted to get you this testimonial. I am down to a +3.3 index as of this note, and the ball is currently going in from seemingly everywhere. Even had my first career hole-in-one about a month ago. Incredible. People know me now as the guy who loves to putt. Imagine that?

Cannot say enough about our time together this summer, both remote and in person. At the beginning of 2024 I set out on a mission, with no particular timeline in mind, to forge a return to competitive golf. It has been more than 10 years since I last competed and the primary obstacle in that window has been a severe case of putting yips. Your program has given me the tools to not only understand the yip impulse, but also to create a path and process toward a complete cure. The prospects of teeing it up in competition again are imminent, and I could not have changed my outlook, mindset or approach to putting and competing without you. Look forward to continuing our work together."      Chris H, Leawood, KS

"I'm a snooker player from the UK. Over a period of time I had developed severe yips, unable to bring the cue back on certain shots.  Years of constantly changing my technique due to trying to find the "magic bullet", and total lack of ability to focus and shut out negative thoughts had led to these yips, to the point that I had zero confidence and was a stone's throw away from giving up the game for good.

I found Jim on a golfing forum, and read some replies from him to others suffering with golfing yips.  I instantly knew this guy really understood the yips, the way he explained things, it was an epiphany for me.

I contacted Jim and took his 10 hour remote yip curing program.  What can I say... I never thought it would be possible to overcome my affliction, but I have.  Not only that, but I now also have a far greater mental game in general.  At last I feel I am in control of my body and mind, and after 20+ years of inconsistency I am now playing better and more consistent than ever.  I have a much greater understanding of how it is best to practice both physical technique changes and improvements, and also improve my mental skills.   I used to feel pressure big time in matches which affected my game hugely.  Jim has taught me how to change my outlook and what to focus on.  Fear and doubt no longer rule over me.

Skills learned for snooker, but I will apply them to many things in life.  I just wish we'd met years ago!"     James B. UK

"To give you some background, I was a top junior golfer growing up, playing alongside many who are now on the tour. However, as I reached late high school and early college, I experienced severe burnout and the dreaded full-swing yips, creating a negative feedback loop. Initially, the yips started with my driver but soon affected my entire bag, except for chipping and putting, which remained strong. Frustrated, I quit midway through college and played fewer than five rounds over the next five years, still yipping during those rare occasions.

A couple of years ago, I moved to California and decided to give golf one last chance, inspired by the great weather. Unfortunately, within a few rounds, I couldn't hit a football field with any club in my bag and was on the verge of quitting golf for good. There seemed to be no point in playing when I couldn't break 90, especially after routinely shooting below 73.

Then I discovered Balance Point Golf and Jim. After a few phone calls, which felt more like therapy sessions, I booked a trip to Hawaii and started implementing Jim's strategies. The three-day session in Hawaii was intense and eye-opening. As Jim put it, my swing was a +5, but my mental game and concentration were at a 30—no joke. Without revealing too much (you need to experience it firsthand), I left with strategies, drills, mental techniques, and a game plan to get my golf game back on track.

Initially, progress was slow, but I persisted with what I learned from hitting thousands of golf balls on the range with Jim in Hawaii. Gradually, everything began to click. Flash forward about a year from my lesson with Jim, and I now have a 0 handicap and haven't shot higher than a 77 all year—and that was on a windy day with three three-putts on the front nine. I truly believe I can get my game back to where I rarely shoot above par, and it's all thanks to Jim. I couldn't give a more enthusiastic endorsement—you have to see it to believe it!"     Sawyer S. San Francisco, CA

"I developed the yips in my chipping about 10 years ago. It was destroying the game I love. Having seen more coaches than I care to remember, I could see no way out and even stopped playing for a while. That was until I came across Jim Waldron via a podcast. I was sceptical at first, and deep down knew it wouldn’t work, but I still committed myself fully to the programme. The process was one of the best experiences I have ever had, and it really works! I have been cured by Jim, and will be forever grateful."      Richard C. UK

"The good news is that I played a round before Christmas and it was my first round in many, many years that I didn’t yip.  I have found your advice on observing the yip particularly helpful as when I free myself up to accept a yip it actually reduces the chance of it happening. I continuously work and apply the guidance and advice you have given me. My pitching has improved dramatically following your tuition. My bunker play has also improved following the lesson we did on bunker play. Overall, your guidance and tuition has given me a new lease of (golfing) life and confidence and I thank you most sincerely. As I mentioned before it’s great to also hear your words of wisdom on various golf podcasts."         Seamus F. Dublin, Ireland

"Interestingly my best shots were all where I would say I retained 100% focus on my focal point.  I am even more pleased to report that there was zero flinching or yipping which so far seems to have gone as I am not thinking about my swing at all.  At last I can play golf to enjoy it and not worry I am going to yip shots out of bounds."       Derek M. Guernsey, British Isles

"Hi Jim,
I am a plus handicap golfer and sought your help after having some serious performance anxiety in tournaments, full swing driver yips, sand yips, and putter yips.
After our work together over video and for a day in person in Portland I can honestly say that my yips have been diminished to almost nothing and my mental process is much better. In just the two weeks since our in person lesson my driver yips went from 6-7 times a round to maybe 1 time and are getting better each time I play. Putter yips have almost gone to zero as well and I have not recorded a sand yip since then.  Learning about why the body and mind do what they do to eventually lead to yips and performance anxiety was especially enlightening and was really necessary to understand why your program works. Thanks for changing my game!"    Clark M. Los Angeles, CA

"Work this program, and DON’T QUIT GOLF!  If you love to play golf or love athletics in general, the yips can be a soul crusher.  I had a case of severe full swing yips.  In my case, I could not get off the tee.  One day, in the middle of a round, what seemed like an out of the blue, bizarre thing happened.  I took my driver back, and my upper body and arms just locked to the point where I was involuntarily frozen at the top of my swing.  I thought it was a fluke.  It wasn’t.  It kept happening. 

I was 41 and was in the process of getting back into golf as a serious hobby.  I’d played a lot as a teenager, and would shoot in the 80s routinely.  And although I was 41 not 21, I’d always been a good athlete and had command over my body’s movements whether it be baseball, basketball, surfing, running, etc… 

So, I thought I could will my way out of the yips. amount of range balls, no amount of youtube videos, not even hypnotism worked.  (Yes, I “donated" $150 to a hypnotist.)  I took lessons with 3 or 4 golf instructors.  But they had no idea how to help me.  After a while, I even stopped playing with friends because the anxiety got pretty intense.  Then I worked up the guts to make the call I should have made right away. 

I called Jim, told him about what was going on, and I could tell right away he not only understood it, but he immediately began helping me understand what the yip impulse is and where it comes from. 

His knowledge about this little understood subject, as well as his enthusiasm for helping people enjoy golf again came through right away.   Jim’s program addresses the mental game from a variety of techniques and philosophies – all of which helped me to “lower my emotional intensity”, and achieve the carefree mindset I had when I was a kid first learning this game.   

As for the yips, after working with Jim, I don’t even think about yipping anymore, never mind actually yip.  Oh, and did I mention my actual golf swing improved immensely thanks to Jim’s knowledge and explanation of swing mechanics?  I’m back to shooting in the 80s, enjoying myself out there, accepting the imperfection inherent in golf, and loving my return to friendly competition with friends.  I won’t go so far as to say I’m happy I had the yips, but the process is a fascinating one.  You will learn a lot about yourself and come away with a much stronger mental game.  I believe that in the end, your game will be better for having gone through this process. 

Keep the faith.  You can and will come out the other side of this." Tom R. Long Beach, CA

"Driver yips crept up on me at the peak of my game about 10 years ago, and destroyed my driving/3W game off the tee. This was after I won the B flight of my state amateur in 2008 and passed the PGA PAT at the assistant level. I tried everything to include working with a sports psychologist who claimed to be able to fix it - the remedy did not work. This year, during the pandemic, I started playing a lot more golf. I couldn’t hit the ball off the tee with an audience of more than one person, and that included me! I left the course one hot Saturday afternoon after being beat by a group of 15 handicap players and for some reason felt the need to go to the car wash. While I was stewing over the loss, I decided to type “driver yips” into YouTube. A podcast that featured Jim popped up and I watched it, and right away I knew this guy was onto something. I immediately contacted Jim and we started working virtually. I would characterize my issue as being 80% mental and 20% physical. Jim nailed the fact that my swing was “ball bound” and helped me to learn the specific focal point for me on the tee box, and it worked, over and over again - not just one day. My index is back to a 7 and going lower. The best way to describe Jim’s technique is that he truly understands what those of us who yip go through mentally, AND he knows how to learn what you are thinking about, AND how to redirect that thinking into an area of the brain that is not overwhelmed by the “hit impulse”. In addition to helping me with the yips, Jim taught me a great deal about the correct mindset, and mental toughness one must learn to stand up and conquer this problem, I can’t thank him enough.

If you are on the fence about this program, I have provided Jim with my e-mail, and you can reach out to me at anytime."  Jeff W. Alaska

"When I went to Jim Waldron I had severe yips in both short game shots and putting for about 3 seasons.  I truly was ready to give up the game and had lost a lot of the enjoyment of golf.  Jim helped me understand the true dynamics of the yips and the connection to my emotions and focus.  A lot of the folks who have yips have the desire to practice and get better, what they don't have is the knowledge of why the yips are happening and how to address them.  Jim helped me understand this and helped me experience yip free golf again.  I would recommend him to anyone." Brian M.

 "I have been suffering from the full swing yips (think Charles Barkley) for roughly 10 years. At one point I was a 4 handicap. As a linear and logical thinker I tried to reason my way to a cure even though I knew it was a totally mental issue. I came across a podcast video of Jim talking about curing the yips. At my wits end I arranged a day and a half one on one session with Jim which I just completed. Jim gave me the strategy and mental program to put the yips in the past where they belong. I am excited to play the game again and see my 9 handicap work its way down. Jim has a positive teaching style and has the ability to make concepts understandable. I would recommend Jim to anyone for help but especially to those golfers suffering from the frustration of the yips."      Barry B. Seattle, WA

"I had the pleasure of working with Jim for a day and a half as we tried to tackle my full swing yips. We explored the science behind the yips and worked on a number of techniques to cure them. Since my time with Jim, I have one tournament victory and several top 5’s and top 10’s, including qualifying and advancing to match play at the USGA 4-ball. I am currently the 5th ranked player in Tennessee. None of this would have been possible without my work with Jim. I was ready to quit golf because I literally couldn’t get a ball into play. I still utilize the tips Jim gave me today. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him." Matt M. Tennessee

“I hadn’t managed to get out a bunker for 3 months, and although despair would be an exaggeration, I had accepted it was part of the game I would have to surrender to. Shooting 8/9 over each round with 4/5 shots gone in bunkers isn’t fun. Jim was coaching me online for other aspects of my game but I hadn’t decided to tackle bunkers with him. 3 hours tuition and I have eliminated my bunker yips. He’s also helped every other part of my game tremendously. I have gone from 6 to 10 gir average in a year. If someone is curing people regularly of the hardest golfing “illness” to fix (yips), I would suggest you listen to all his ideas on the game. If you are patient, self aware, able to listen and can control your ego, he will transform your golf to a level you had previously thought impossible - trust me.”   Andrew M. London, England

"Jim, thank you for working with me on the full swing yips.  Although I love golf, the two you discovered in my swing had pushed me to the breaking point of quitting.  The game was past the point of being frustrating or embarrassing.  It was simply mentally defeating every time I played.  I read numerous books, watched hours of videos, saw hypnotist, meditated, spent countless days on the range etc…. and nothing transitioned when it was time to play.  Your understanding of what causes the yips and approach on how to cure them changed everything for me.  I can now enjoy the game I love and recently achieved the lowest handi-cap index of my life.  I look forward to learning more from Balance Pont Golf and taking my game to a new level."   Brian W. Dallas, TX             

 “For many years, I have suffered off and on from the yips. This spring, while in the middle of a significant swing mechanics change, I developed the full blown swing yips. Only those who have truly suffered from the yips can understand how devastating it can be.  I was at my wit’s end and fully intending to give up the game after playing for over 50 years, when I discovered an interview with Jim on YouTube discussing his work with golfers suffering from various forms of the yips. I went to the Balance Point Golf website, and after connecting with Jim, decided to schedule a two-day private lesson in Portland.

The two days I spent in Portland with Jim were nothing short of magical. Jim’s understanding of the mental side of the game, coupled with his vast knowledge of swing mechanics,  is unprecedented. I wish everyone suffering from the yips could have access to Jim’s knowledge of both the factors that result in the yips and the relatively simple ways in which they can be completely eliminated.  His straightforward techniques make imminent sense, and he provides multiple approaches so that you leave with a fully stocked “tool kit” to address the root causes of flinching.  Upon returning to Austin, I enjoyed my first “flinch-free” round of golf in years.  Jim is the “yips whisperer,” and I am deeply indebted to my dear friend for returning joy to my golf game.”  Mike T.

"After suffering with chipping and pitching yips for over 12 years, three sets of wedges, several lessons and a visit to a hypnotist, I found what I needed in Jim Waldron. The concept of the mind body connection along with much improved mechanics got me over the confidence tipping point. My advice, if you have any form of the yips, is to stop suffering and see Jim."  Kelly B.

"Just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! When I think of the things I am thankful for in 2017, one of them is that I got to meet you and learn from you.  I haven’t had as much time to work on my game recently than I would like, but I played 14 holes with my son on Sunday (we ran out of daylight) completely flinch-free!  We had so much fun, and not a single thought of a yip.  I am enjoying the game again, thanks in large part to you, my friend.

Lots of mirror and slow-motion work still to do on the mechanical side during the winter months, but my son and I have set up a mirror and a hitting net in the garage so no excuses not to get after it!  In a strange way, I feel like I get to visit with you because I watch at least part of a module almost every night." Mike T.

Posted to by Audio58:
I will apologize upfront for the length of this post, but I think the background may be helpful. I have been playing for over 40 years and been a single digit handicap for most of it. About 12 years ago I bought some wedges which proved to be a problem. I worked through the shanks, played well with them and then, started a fat / thin routine which eventually ruined my chipping and intermediate pitching. I had a full blown case of yips. I would put ten balls on the ground next to the practice green and blade four, chunk four and whiff two. For real. Not a single ball on the green, which was four feet away. My full swing was not impacted but any time I needed to hit a half shot it usually wouldn't clear ankle height and went twice as far as needed. I replaced the wedges. I got a lesson. I replaced those wedges. Another lesson. A few instructional books. Then a visit to a clinical hypnotist. Finally I bought a left-handed wedge to chip with and resigned myself to never approaching my previous level of play.

Then I ran across Jim Waldron's Balance Point School website. I sent an email, describing my particular malady and he called me. We spoke for about half an hour and he suggested two things - some drills to work on now and getting a one-day lesson with him. I worked on the drills and actually had some success. Meaning I got a few balls on the green but nothing close to the hole and no feeling of new found mastery. But progress.

The day of my lesson we started with a conversation that ranged from Eastern beliefs to the mind/body connection. Jim told me yips were a similar experience to what happens in a head-on collision. You don't remember the impact because the brain is protecting you. He described a wide range of approaches, depending on where the problem was most rooted. He also told me people with the yips have to be comfortable in three areas - physical / mechanics; mental and emotional. I told him I thought my mechanics were okay, but they had changed over the last 12 years as I searched for an answer. Mentally I had given up hope and emotionally I was fine. I was very accepting of this limitation. He told me everyone he has worked with on yips had issues in all three areas but there is always one which needs more attention and that is where you start. He reassured me by saying "you've come to the right guy."

We went to the range and he had me make some practice swings. He had mentioned he thought I would need to start with the emotional leg of the stool. When you have them as bad as I do, you have zero confidence. And until you get from there to enough confidence to expect to hit the green, it is impossible to make any progress when practicing. He watched me take three practice swings and said " we are going to start with mechanics." He showed me my entire approach was backwards. I had been trying to find some way, any way to get the ball on the green and without realizing it, had completely screwed up my stance, weight distribution, grip, aim and alignment. We spent some time practicing getting into the new stance ( fitting the mold as he called it), feeling the balance in the feet, practicing the motion and visualizing one of several focal points. Paying attention to my grip pressure worked the best that day. Then we introduced the ball and I started hitting crisp, low chip shots. No target, no hole, just making the motion and seeing the ball jump in the air. Then after about 30 minutes of this, he put a range basket about ten yards in front of me. Don't try and knock it in the basket or even hit it to the basket, I was instructed. Just hit it in the direction of the basket. After another 30 minutes of this I looked back and he was smiling. When I asked why he said I hadn't yipped all morning. And he was right.

We never went to the practice green. Just seeing ball come off the club at the right height and trajectory was enough.

After lunch we took a look at my pitching. He showed me a technique which uses a combination of two wrist positions, two backswing lengths and two grip locations ( one is gripped down almost to the shaft ) to create three distinct shots with each wedge. My 56 degree wedge went 90 yards with position one - the full swing. At position two it went 70 yards and position 3 produced a shot of 55 yards. Going from PW to LW I found I was quickly able to produce reliable pitch shots with no evidence of yipping. No flinch, no jerk, no stab, nothing. Nada. This is when I got a bit emotional. I had tried to cure myself and had given up. And now, here I was hitting the ball to almost any length I wanted with no trace of my former spasm. Later, when the head pro came out to check on us, he asked if I could hit a chip and pitch for him. Before that day, it would have been impossible. But I said sure, no problem and hit a crisp chip shot and pitched the ball right next to the target he asked to aim at - simple as that. Neither he nor Jim could really understand what a moment that was for me. But it felt like 12 years of frustration had been swept away in two golf shots.

I practiced a fair amount over the next few weeks and reported back to Jim I was doing much better than before. Not every shot is perfect, but I was able to very dependably get the ball on the green. I started to make a few chips and looked forward to playing. When I did play the chipping was much better but I did have the occasional flinch, usually if I felt the shot was going to be a tough one. And during those shots I couldn't seem to keep my mind on my focal point. As I have played three times now and practiced about ten times I can tell you I am good on the practice green. Meaning 99% of my chip shots land on the green and roll toward the target. My feel is coming back and I am starting to hit several balls close and even hole out from time to time. It would be hard for me to overstate the value of this. I spent over ten years knowing that practice was only going to result in frustration and likely send me shopping for a bowling shirt. Now I can practice, see some success and have real expectations I will get much better. On the course it hasn't caught up to my practice but there are hopeful signs every round. The majority of my chips shots during a round get on the green. I still have the occasional yip but most are acceptable.

As far as the pitching goes, I would say I am cured. It has been a much easier adjustment than the chipping and I have hit some wonderful shots. I am able to quickly do the math, select a shot and hit it close. I have been able to get up-and-down several times from 50 yards or so, which didn't happen before. I have taken the left-handed wedge out of the bag and put the LW back in. I can still chip with an upside down club, a hybrid and have a variety of shots with the putter. But those are now used on an as-needed basis and not my stock shot.

I am very grateful to Jim for his encyclopedic knowledge of the golf game, his wonderful approach to the mental side of golf and his continued interest in my progress. It is wonderful to have hope of getting better again and to not feel like I am limited by this. I am excited to practice and to play. I don't have to start every round with an explanation about my yips and a warning about not standing opposite me on the green when I chip. I learned a lot of different shots during my 12 year bout of the yips, but I am far happier hitting conventional shots again. Although, an upside down PW hits a shot that lands like a bag of sand.

And even though Jim and I didn't cover putting, his fundamentals for chipping have helped me there as well. Being able to feel real balance, real stability and to control the motion with the muscles covering the rib cage has made a significant improvement in my putting. I thought I was fine before, but I am much better when practicing and have already seen improvement on the course.

So if you have the same affliction, please don't feel like you have to continue to suffer. There is a man out there with a way out it.