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Jim Waldron's Balance Point Golf

My primary goal as a teacher of this great game is to give my students the insights and information that will enable them to breakthrough to extraordinary golf.

My teaching method is a blend of biomechanics and mindfulness practice, covering both the "what to do" with your body and club, and the "how to do it" with your mental approach to learning, training and performing in golf."

- Jim Waldron

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Twice chosen by Golf Magazine as one of the Top 25 Golf Schools in the nation.

"The most significant advancement in golf instruction in over twenty-five years....alumni of the golf schools told us that their experiences were overwhelmingly positive in helping them to play better golf."

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“I learned more about the golf swing and how the game is played in five days with you than I learned in my previous 45 years of reading, instruction and playing. Your knowledge and enthusiasm made for a truly valuable learning experience. Having attended other golf schools and seeing only minor improvement and gaining little real knowledge, I am truly a convert and true disciple of Jim Waldron and the Great Shot! golf school!"

- Herb Hipsher, Hawaii

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"My ball striking ability has already improved beyond what I had hoped I could ever achieve. I'm making such consistently good contact that my scores are now regularly in the 70"s...I'm gaining at least 10 yards in distance on all of my clubs and am hitting some of the longest drives of my career. Thanks, Jim!"

- RD Ferren, OR after taking our Great Shot! school

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"Outstanding! I am amazed at your knowledge and your ability to breakdown the golf swing on a physical, mental and emotional level. Thank you for making practice so fun, especially on the range. And thanks for already helping me to realize my potential to play better golf - my short game has already greatly improved."

- Bob Jalovi, Spokane, WA after attending our Great Shot! and Short Game schools

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"Mr. Waldron – thank you so much for being such a great teacher. You quickly diagnosed by real problem and got my game back on track. Your insights and ability to communicate your concepts has helped my golf game tremendously."

- Clare Dittemore, winner of four tournaments within weeks of working with Jim Waldron

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Feedback from Our Students

"I started playing golf at the age of 35 and I am now in my 60’s.   Over the years I have sought to gain a thorough understand of the golf swing and develop my technique to execute a consistent and repeatable golf swing motion.   While I could score well at times, I was confused by all of the conflicting information I acquired through instructors, videos on the internet, books and magazine articles.  I never felt that I really understood how all the components of the swing should come together and how to swing correctly.   I was extremely frustrated and often discouraged because I love the game and wanted to gain some degree of mastery.  After spending two days with Jim, reviewing his videos and reading his book, all of the confusion and mystery has gone away and I have experienced dramatic improvement.   Jim is truly a master instructor who provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the not only all the elements of the golf swing and how they should be blended together, but also the importance and application of the “mind-body connection” specifically to my tendencies.  I have been able to enhance and improve the consistency of my ball striking through developing not only my physical skills, but as importantly, my mental approach to learning, practicing and playing the game.  I now have the ability to play with confidence under the pressure of completion.  If you are serious about understanding the golf swing and how to the play the game at a dramatically higher level with a clear understanding of how to do so, I high recommend working with Jim."       Larry G, Scottsdale, AZ

"Everything is working here Jim. My iron play is tremendous, my drives are prodigious, as well as my 50 yards and in game. I am 74 years old so I can’t hit 290-yard drives but I did hit one 250 today.

When I got this move down, I started working on my turn and leg motion. I now have the swing I did before my ankle injury in 1977. I came full circle. God bless you, my friend. If it hadn’t been for you and your brilliant mind, I would have never been able to fulfill that 47-year-old dream of mine."     Mark K. Paris, IL (referring to the Arm Swing Illusion)

"Jim, I know you hate marketing, but I’m going to scream this from the mountain tops. Look at these stats from before and after Thursday’s lesson! An additional 18 yards of Driver Carry from one hour with you. You realize I could show this at my club and have you 10 new clients in minutes! Yes, the million dollar surge charges seems more than fair! And I know there’s easily another 20 yards to be had as I clean up grip and sway!!"     Royce K. Philadelphia, PA

"I have been suffering from the full swing yips (think Charles Barkley) for roughly 10 years. At one point I was a 4 handicap. As a linear and logical thinker I tried to reason my way to a cure even though I knew it was a totally mental issue. I came across a podcast video of Jim talking about curing the yips. At my wits end I arranged a day and a half one on one session with Jim which I just completed. Jim gave me the strategy and mental program to put the yips in the past where they belong. I am excited to play the game again and see my 9 handicap work its way down. Jim has a positive teaching style and has the ability to make concepts understandable. I would recommend Jim to anyone for help but especially to those golfers suffering from the frustration of the yips."      Barry B. Seattle, WA

“I hadn’t managed to get out a bunker for 3 months, and although despair would be an exaggeration, I had accepted it was part of the game I would have to surrender to. Shooting 8/9 over each round with 4/5 shots gone in bunkers isn’t fun. Jim was coaching me online for other aspects of my game but I hadn’t decided to tackle bunkers with him. 3 hours tuition and I have eliminated my bunker yips. He’s also helped every other part of my game tremendously. I have gone from 6 to 10 gir average in a year. If someone is curing people regularly of the hardest golfing “illness” to fix (yips), I would suggest you listen to all his ideas on the game. If you are patient, self aware, able to listen and can control your ego, he will transform your golf to a level you had previously thought impossible - trust me.”      Andrew M, London, England

"For years, I have asked various teaching pros (as I struggle for consistent ball striking) if I should “lift” the arms in the backswing or just let them rotate along my body. Every single one of them said NOT to lift. So I continued struggling, becoming more frustrated with every new swing change. After seeing your video regarding lifting the arms and rotating simultaneously for the first time two days ago, I hit a bucket of balls yesterday, one this morning, and then this afternoon I played 18 holes. The results are astonishing. I hit 16 greens in regulation and shot 4 under par. My average score this year has been 77 with only 10 greens in regulation. The 68 I shot today, on a course I have never seen before, has compelled me to write you and express my sincere gratitude. Don’t worry, although well deserved, an accompanying check will not be forthcoming. However, if you’re ever in S. Florida, dinner and drinks are on me. Continued success and good health to you."         Ron S, South Florida, referring to our Great Shot Module 2 video on the Arm Swing Illusion.

"Downloaded your e-book...3 birdies resulted in my next round...unbelievable!!  Do you ever run teaching events in Australia?  Or do you have agents of your technique here?  I have learned more in one day of reading than in numerous expensive lessons I have taken. Many thanks."      Barry Swords, referring to our Great Shot! training manual

"I went to see Jim for a half day with a mild case of the chipping yips.  After cleaning up my setup and learning how to implement a few useful focal points in my swing, I'm now able to chip the ball with confidence and consistently clean contact.  Money well spent!"      Joe Z, Seattle, WA

"After suffering with chipping and pitching yips for over 12 years, three sets of wedges, several lessons and a visit to a hypnotist, I found what I needed in Jim Waldron. The concept of the mind body connection along with much improved mechanics got me over the confidence tipping point. My advice, if you have any form of the yips, is to stop suffering and see Jim."  Kelley Bogle

"Jim, I can honestly say this was the best golf school I have ever been to in my entire life, and I cannot even think of a close second. I enjoyed how the students and staff worked together. I loved hearing John, a 30 year golfer, say that some of his shots were the best of his life. Good value for the money invested, full of lessons to help one's golf swing, but a good time as well, and we know that is priceless."     Mark Englund-Markun, Seattle, WA

"II got more out of spending half a day with you than in countless golf lessons over the past twelve years! Thank you, Jim for passing out all of your golf wisdom to all of us here in Singapore. I am hitting the ball much better. I really enjoyed the time we spent together."     Mukesh Chohan, Singapore

"The golf school is brilliant course design...worth every penny! Relaxed atmosphere, enthusiastic instructors...I have found my ball striking skills improving by leaps and bounds...thanks for the learning experience, I consider you a sage of expert golf instruction."     Barto Watkins, Saudi Arabia

"This is a first-rate golf school...the information was very well communicated. Enjoyed the dispelling of the myths and Illusions...the humor from the instructional staff was terrific."     Dick and Judy Hames, Portland, OR

"Unbelievable! Wow!! I can hardly wait to fill you in! I am in the process of writing down some notes and observations, both to burn the concepts in and to provide a framework for winter training. Great stuff! Some new stuff and some new understanding of old concepts that really makes sense!" ...student's "light bulbs" after video by mail lesson.     Paul Leonard, Jr, Hayden Lake, Idaho

"Jim, I feel the like the lesson I had with you yesterday and the change we made to my backswing is the biggest breakthrough I've had in several years! I hit two large buckets after the lesson and virtually every shot was wonderful and the new backswing felt totally natural! I played nine holes after our lesson and was hitting every club 10-30 yards further! I could go on and on..."     Ellen Hopper, Lake Oswego, OR

"What Jim Waldron is teaching about golf should be mandatory for every PGA teaching professional."     Terry Merkling, WA

"Jim, your Great Shot! golf school training manual should be considered the "modern Bible" of golf swing instruction!"     Jim Tolan, Ireland

"Balance Point Golf Schools is by far the best instruction I have received in my forty years of golfing "     Les Mahon, Montana

"The Balance Point Golf School I attended made far more sense about golf than anything I had tried before...makes "traditional" golf schools obsolete."     Pat Carey, Yakima, WA

"I have had instruction from club pros in my area and Jim Waldron's instruction was amazingly better, from swing mechanics to mind/body connection, everything was superior."     Stan Sinor, Chico, CA

"I am sure I learned more about golf from my five days at Balance Point Golf Schools than I would have from any other golf school. I believe Jim Waldron has developed the Holy Grail for learning golf."     Rick Thrasher, Hawaii

"The results have been amazing to date! I am consistently shooting in the 80's, the Rip It to the Target! mental game school and the Great Shot! full swing school have made a huge difference..."     Stan Foremski, Issaquah, WA

"Jim Waldron and his staff teach the complete golf swing from A to Z. You leave the golf school totally knowing the correct golf swing and how to learn it with specific drills...good value for the money."     Richard Hull, Dallas, TX

"My handicap was at least 20 when I came to your Balance Point Golf School, and is now a 10, and I have complete confidence that it will continue to drop down into single digits. I really must thank you again for restoring my enjoyment of golf."     Frank Baldry, Canada

"If you really want to get better at golf, and understand the golf swing, there is no other way to go."     Lon Pilichowsky, Renton, WA

"I am hitting the ball further, straighter and with more consistency than ever before."     Randy Lishka, Portland, OR

"Man oh man the ball triking just keeps getting better and better! Your Arm Swing Illusion concept is absolutely the secret of the golf swing. Of course I would have to find this out at 59 years of age, after 50 years of playing, practice, taking lessons and searching for the "answer" to the golf swing. The Illusions are the key. It is my belief that it is the heart and soul of the golf swing. Jim, you are onto something big, this is for sure the secret of the golf swing. Just getting the concepts helps you to hit the ball better immediately.  I have never seen anywhere the explanation of the golf swing as you see it. I know from my experience that this is the heart of the swing. I am very pleased with my progress. The stuff you taught me is truly amazing! It seems like I really do have a complete understanding of the golf swing for the first time in my life. It is simply great and fun to play again. I know it is the illusions that confuse a majority of golfers. After watching more of your videos it is apparent that you have it down on how the swing really works...I wish I had learned this 50 years ago. I have played very good golf for a long time. I know I could have played fantastic had I known what you are teaching. In any case this will make me able to play more good golf longer because now I feel that I know how the golf swing really does work. Your Great Shot! golf swing school was an amazing learning experience and worth every penny...thanks to Jim Waldron and his staff for showing me the way to true ball striking consistency and lower scores."     Harlan Peschel, Montana

"Balance Point Golf Schools is by far the best instruction I have experienced in my 40 years of golfing. I plan to stay in touch with you and work with you in the future as I use your program to improve my golf game. The most immediate improvement I have seen is in my driving. length...I am seeing driving distances of 270-280 yards or more...prior to your golf school my drives were in the 240-250 range. There is still lots of work to do and learning to accomplish, but the learning process is fun. I learned how to practice and more importantly how to set long-term goals and following the Balance Point model will lead to success in being consistent in my shotmaking. The school was a Total Immersion in learning - this was "boot camp" Balance Point is THE BEST golf school I have ever experienced and I have attended a few! The Great Shot! program opened my mind and eyes to a whole new approach to the golf swing...there were then, and will continue to be, "light bulb" moments. Your golf school exceeded my leave the school with a process - a game plan for learning and perfecting a golf swing. The materials provided give the student a lesson plan and life time improvement plan."     Les Mahon, Montana

"Jim, I can honestly say this was the best golf school I have ever been to in my entire life, and I cannot even think of a close second. I enjoyed how the students and staff worked together. I loved hearing John, a 30 year golfer, say that some of his shots were the best of his life. Good value for the money invested, full of lessons to help one's golf swing, but a good time as well, and we know that is priceless."     Mark Englund-Markun, Seattle, WA

"Jim, I have watched your Great Shot! golf swing fundamentals DVD series several times now and find them very helpful. I am positive they are by far the best instruction DVD's on the market. I think there will be a huge market for them. I showed parts of them to a good friend of mine who has dozens of golf instruction DVD's and he was very impressed. He also said he thought they are by far the best instruction series he has ever seen."     Wally Hobson, Portland, OR

"I truly enjoyed my Great Shot!, Target and Short Game schools held in March of 04 at the Ko'olina Golf Club near Honolulu. It was great working with you. I learned more about the golf swing and how the game is played in five days with you than I learned in my previous 45 years of reading, instruction and playing. Your knowledge and enthusiasm made for a truly valuable learning experience. After attending, I now feel I actually understand the golf swing. Many misconceptions were dispelled.  I already have confidence in the knowledge that I can improve my game and when I do make the occasional bad shot I know the reason and can fix it. Your wood-chopping drill helped me to achieve for the first time ever the conscious sensation of something that profoundly affected the striking of a golf ball. Having attended other golf schools and seeing only minor improvement and gaining little real knowledge, I am truly a convert and true disciple of Jim Waldron and the Great Shot! golf school!"     Herb Hipsher, Honolulu, HI

"Jim, you fixed my horrible top of backswing flinch, in just three practice swings, so I think that you are a magician, and so do my buddies who saw the dreaded flinch develop and take root over seven years, and then magically disappear instantly. That was a little over a year ago, and my handicap was at least 20 when I came to your Balance Point Golf School, and it is now a 10. I have complete confidence that it will continue to drop down into single digits. I really must thank you again for restoring my enjoyment of golf, which was completely gone when I first came to see you in Portland."

Frank Baldry, Canada

"Please allow me to thank you again for giving me the opportunity to participate in my opinion the best golf clinic I have ever had in all my years of playing golf. It was a real eye-opening experience...Jim is without question one of the best golf instructors I have ever encountered. He has shown so much passion in his teachings and his dedication and knowledge in the field of golf is totally amazing. We will be the first to enroll should he decide to return to Asia in the future."

Tony Wang, Singapore and China

"Having just completed a four day Balance Point Golf School with Jim Waldron, I am writing to suggest to you that he be invited for an appearance on "Golf Academy Live" on the Golf Channel. Jim is a gifted teacher and an engaging personality. He addresses the separate psychologies of playing and learning. He teaches ball striking from the Core first. He addresses the physics of golf in a way that causes students to shed bad habits and start the process of acquiring good habits. Everybody improves. Everybody has fun. I have seen many instructors over the years on the Golf Channel, and I'd rate Jim as better than any in terms of the validity of his approach to both the game and his students. He entertains. He enlightens. I hope to see him on your broadcast soon."

Dan McCallum, Eugene, OR from his letter to Golf Channel producers

"My ball striking ability has already improved beyond what I had hoped I could ever achieve...I'm making such consistently good contact that my scores are now consistently in the 70"s, even though I am not thinking at all about my swing mechanics on the golf course...I'm gaining at least 10 yards in distance on all of my clubs and am hitting some of the longest drives of my career including one of just over 290 yards that was uphill and into the wind. THANKS JIM!"

RD Ferren, WA

"I could not have found a better way - as a beginner golfer - to learn how to play golf. So exactly what I was looking for!"

Becky Christiansen, Portland, OR

"I know something about the learning process and the Balance Point approach is the best for any motor skill imprinting. Superb instruction, superb demonstrations. I really appreciated the detail, the relentless effort of the instructors to communicate both the picture (of the model golf swing) and the feel as well. I always wanted the true golf swing fundamentals and this is the first time that I have ever actually "seen" them. I have been home less than a day and have already recommended your golf school to five friends. Believe it or not, I could have kept on going for two more weeks!"

Blair McHaney, Pasco, WA

"I rate your golf school a ten! You taught me more about the game of golf, filled my toolbox, broke paradigms, and increased my desire to improve than all of the previous decades of experience, book reading and lessons combined. You did in four days what I never envisioned to get a grip on in order to improve my game and strive for that next level. I had many "light bulbs" - there was not an hour that went by where I did not go into discovery mode. Taking away illusions, laying a foundation for the pieces of the swing, eliminating the myths, slow motion views, uncluttering a confused mind are some of my macro highlights. Everything was explained in adequate detail - loved the immersion mode! Your golf school exceeded my expectations. I'm a tough student who came with soured outlook and a commitment to change. You made this a wonderful transition experience and I will work at it to make sure our mutual efforts were not wasted. A blast, you made me work and I worked hard, wouldn't have it any other way. Your passion and knowledge of the game made it fun and enjoyable. I will be returning soon with a friend for the Short Game school."

Ron Nelson, Washington Great Shot and Rip It to the Target graduate

"I'm scoring consistently in the low to mid-eighties, and that's great for me considering that I could not break 100 before I came to your golf consistency has dramatically improved. With a little work, I can see myself scoring in the 70's. (Email message from a Great Shot! graduate, six months after completing the golf school.)

Rick Jenkins, Vancouver, WA

"Jim, your Great Shot! golf school training manual should be considered the "modern Bible" of golf swing instruction!"

Jim Tolan, Ireland

"After 15 years of lessons, schools, reading and watching golf, I learned more in four days at Balance Point than - well, I wish I had done this much sooner!"

Don Judson, Portland, OR

"In my opinion, Jim Waldron's Total Immersion training/instruction is the only method that will truly create permanent golf improvement. Jim's information was very good, the scientific approach really appeals to me. Jim and Cliff's humor really helped with the intense learning environment. I learned more at my Great Shot! golf swing school than any other golf instruction I have ever received. Full explanation of the golf swing, how to learn, and how to 'get there'."

Nicky Johnson, Portland, OR

"I love to talk about your combination of science, learning theory and mental approach to the game. It is a winning combination that far surpasses any other golf school program...I am much more comfortable on the golf course, hitting a much higher proportion of solid shots, including my first eagle."

Adam Keller, New Hampshire

"I learned more about the golf swing than I ever thought possible...I now know how I should swing the club, how that looks and how that should feel....I especially enjoyed the thoroughness of the instruction - I was immersed in golf for three days and enjoyed it greatly .I no longer need to spend money on quick fixes from local pros - I know what I need to do."

Matt Hildahl, Spokane, WA

"Jim, I sent the editors of GOLF Magazine a glowing report on your golf school.I just turned 70 and took your class to renew my enthusiasm for golf. It worked! I have returned to an enthusiastic love for the game!"

Gary White, Portland, OR

"The golf school atmosphere was very friendly. I felt very comfortable. I later purchased your DVD series on the golf swing it was very helpful. I had three big breakthroughs during my Great Shot! golf well invested!"

Stan Sinor, CA

"The communication of the material was excellent...all causes and effects were made very clear...this golf school was the real deal, no BS...makes "traditional" golf schools obsolete. I really appreciated the follow up support after graduation."

Pat Carey, Yakima, WA

"The golf school was very well constructed, unlike any other class or school I have ever taken. Very effective...the mental aspects of golf alone were the tuition."

Al Deischel, WA

"I learned many things about the golf swing that I never knew before! My swing quickly improved in just a few hours with the new information. Loved the golf school, very affordable...Jim is the best! Knowledgeable, fun and effective teacher."

Rick Zurn, Las Vegas, NV

"I attended the Balance Point Golf School in Portland after doing a considerable amount of research on all of the golf schools currently available. The methodology that Jim puts forth in his curriculum seemed to me to be most in tune with the way I wanted to play the game. When I found out that Balance Point Golf Schools was already a GOLF Magazine Top 25 Golf School, the decision was easy. I enrolled in the Rip It to the Target! class in order to improve my ball striking hone some of the mental aspects of the game. It did this and approach to the game has completely changed. I can say that the entire way that I "think" my way around the golf course, as well as on the practice tee, has greatly improved. I should also add that the day I spent with Jim was one of the most fun days of my golfing life. Jim and his staff make the class entertaining, as well as informative. This makes the learning easy. At 45 years old, having played golf in college and spending some time as a golf professional early in my career, I thought I knew all there was to know about this crazy game. Boy was I wrong on that one! I would recommend this golf school to any golfer who is serious about long-term improvement to their game. Whether you are an experienced player or a beginner - THIS IS THE GOLF SCHOOL FOR YOU!"

Kevin McAninch, Tigard, OR

"This golf school is the only way I have found to buy automatic and permanent improvement in my golf game. I enjoyed Jim's knowledge of the Short Game and ability to present it in a way that we could all understand and learn."

Richard Hull, Dallas, TX

"Since graduation I have been going along at a really fast pace. I am now a 2.4 index, I started the school as an 8, won the club championship this weekend shooting a 75 and a 71, made the intersections team got my full six points (won all my matches) and even had a hole in one!...haven't lost to anyone in match play yet....right now my confidence is up and am entering myself into a few class A events to test myself against some top amateurs...biggest difference is mental, not having any swing thoughts/contamination when competing...short game and mental game is doing it for me."

Larry Henderson, Ontario, Canada

"Jim, I had a fantastic time at your golf far exceeded my expectations...I have never had the golf swing explained in such detail. It was a great learning environment. The communication of the material I rate a ten!..."

Dave Arakakai, Seatlle, WA

"Anyone who has been told that they have an "over the top" golf swing but could not understand what that meant or how to correct it should try Balance Point Golf Schools."

Larry Seo, Hawaii

"After a disastrous encounter with then new Stack and Tilt golf swing, I was on golf suicide watch. Jim Waldron got my game back on track after only three lessons. I am hitting the ball further, straighter and with more consistency than ever before. These changes are for life! Thank you, Jim!"

Randy Lishka, Portland, OR

"I can honestly say that I got more out of spending half a day with you than in countless golf lessons over the past twelve years! Thank you, Jim for passing out all of your golf wisdom to all of us here in Singapore. I am hitting the ball much better. I really enjoyed the time we spent together."

Mukesh Chohan, Singapore

"Other golf schools teach one or two things to do for improvement. Jim Waldron and his staff teach you the complete golf swing from A to Z. You leave the golf school totally knowing the correct golf swing and how to learn it with specific drills...good value for the money. I have tried "buying" a good golf swing for many years, and I have finally succeeded!"

Richard Hull, Dallas, TX

"The results have been amazing to date! I am consistently shooting in the 80's. The Rip It to the Target mental game school and Great Shot! golf swing school have made a huge difference....15 rounds posted since the golf school and I am now an 11.0 index. With continued practice and dedication to your program, I am confident I will be a single digit handicap by next year or even sooner. I attended a similarly priced golf school in California a few years ago which certainly could not begin to compare to the caliber of your school"

Stan Foremski, WA

"The golf school is brilliant course design...worth every penny! Relaxed atmosphere, enthusiastic instructors...I have found my ball striking skills improving by leaps and bounds...thanks for the learning experience, I consider you a sage of expert golf instruction."

Barto Watkins, Saudi Arabia

"This is a first-rate golf school...the information was very well communicated. Enjoyed the dispelling of the myths and Illusions...the humor from the instructional staff was terrific."

Dick and Judy Hames, Portland, OR

"Unbelievable! Wow!! I can hardly wait to fill you in! I am in the process of writing down some notes and observations, both to burn the concepts in and to provide a framework for winter training. Great stuff! Some new stuff and some new understanding of old concepts that really makes sense!" ...student's "light bulbs" after video by mail lesson.

Paul Leonard, Jr, Hayden Lake, Idaho

"What Jim Waldron is teaching about golf should be mandatory for every PGA teaching professional."

Terry Merkling, WA

"Jim's teaching provided me a missing circuit in my golf swing - impact! With impact understood, other parts of the swing start to make sense and the light bulbs went teacher before Jim had ever explained this to me with such clarity and authority even though I had asked them to explain it to me. I love those Q and A sessions where we can all ask questions openly. The best part is that Jim never gives you unclear answers."

Tao Yun, China and Portland, OR

"The Balance Point Great Shot, Target and Short Game schools that I attended went beyond my wildest expectations. True understanding of what makes the swing work and then not thinking about it while playing. I learned golf swing fundamentals at a very fast rate and had many "light bulbs"! The school helped me realize what I need to work on to improve and provided a clear road map for ongoing practice and improvement. I appreciated Jim's willingness to always take extra time to review the material if you did not understand right away. My passion and desire to learn and improve my ball striking has been fueled by Jim's teaching...thank you Jim and Cliff for a wonderful golf learning experience. I will be back!"

Bob LeClaire, Sacramento, CA

"I have a much better understanding of the golf swing from my four days at Balance Point Golf Schools than I have achieved in four years of lessons with two local PGA instructors. Balance Point Golf Schools has also given me several training programs to structure my future practice, which has made my practice time more effective. My golf swing has become more consistent and the swing changes are improving my ball striking. BPGS's programs gave me a most valuable tool for improving my golf game. I now have an effective road map to improvement. Prior to attending BPGS I was wasting a tremendous amount of time with unorganized private lessons."

Steve Venable, MN

"I can't say enough about the instructors, from the beginning of the golf school through follow up after...not a quick fix or band-aid type instruction, it gave me the tools for permanent improvement...the Arm Swing Illusion - what a light bulb experience!...I totally loved the class - you guys are awesome!"

Marilu Lovan, Kingwood, CT

"Outstanding! I am amazed at your knowledge and your ability to breakdown the golf swing on a physical, mental and emotional level. I had many light bulbs and one super nova at Great Shot! This golf school exceeded my expectations - best value for the money. Thank you for making practice so fun, especially on the range. I never thought those range drills could be so much fun! And thanks for already helping me to realize my potential to play better golf - my short game has already greatly improved."

Bob Jalovi, Spokane, WA

"Jim, you are a GREAT TEACHER! During my seven days of golf school with you, I learned things about golf that NO PROS in Singapore would have ever given me. You have answered my questions and doubts about the golf swing that I have had for a long time. Thank you for the valuable information."

Johnson Chong, Singapore

"Thanks so much for the Chipping and Putting manual updates, very clear and a great help. My first round of golf since the school - I was at least one club longer than expected, and hit many more good shots than bad. Most importantly, I stayed out of the trees! I was feeling pretty good and finished the round with a lipped-out birdie putt from 12 meters. Thanks again for your help, I am looking forward to enjoying my golf so much more!"

David Mills, Australia
Ultimate Swing School graduate

"Just wanted to thank you for the great short game lesson, its really working well for me in the short game. It rounded out my ability to play a decent game. My golf swing has caught the attention of people I play with. The people who used to laugh behind my back are now asking me for advice on golf and lessons. I am out-driving these players with a set of starter clubs I keep in Hawaii. Thanks for your help - it really changed my golfing life!"

Dennis Sato, Hawaii and San Diego

"I set a goal for myself a little over a year ago, right before taking your golf school, and I've finally made it to a single digit handicap. I shot 1 under in the final 10 holes at Pacific Dunes and shot 81 in windy conditions for a net -4. Thanks again for all your part in my improvement. My friend, a 3 handicap, was very impressed with all the swing changes I made in the past year."

Michael W, Portland, OR

"By learning what the golf swing truly is - and what it isn't! - I have gained so much confidence, knowing that I will improve if I do the work. I liked the non-stop, Total Immersion way of learning. Your school far exceeded my expectations - I feel like I'm an expert on the golf swing now, I sure understand it's workings a lot better. The school was good value for the money invested...not a second was wasted."

Dan Gribi, CA

"Jim's Total Immersion method was the BEST for capturing the golf swing fundamentals - regular lessons would have taken six months to a year for what we accomplished in just three days. My first round after the school was my personal best score ever. For the cost, I expected a lot and Jim Waldron and staff DELIVERED! Good quality instruction..."

Don Welch, Corvalis, OR

"As anyone in my house will attest, my experience in what I call your "Zen golf school" continues to be a subject of constant conversation. Basically, you are viewed as close to a godlike figure in my house, and I continue to benefit from what was undoubtedly my greatest golf school experience. Down to specifics. It started to click about a month ago. After hitting hundreds of balls with the half swing drill and holding my follow through position, I realized that if I made the exact same swing but simply raised my arms a bit higher on the backswing as I continued pivoting my body, I could actually draw the ball. I had never before drawn the ball!

The results have been staggering to an old man like myself. I now regularly drive the ball over 240 yards. I had previously been hitting it 200-210 yards. I now regularly (at least 8 out of 10 times) hit my 3 wood at least 200 yards. I've had some drives as long as 260 yards and 3 woods as long as 22o yards. What this means is that I am now playing "different" golf courses - I can see the greens after my drives...I reached a par 5 in two- I have never done this before in my life!

As you know I had not broken 90 this year before I came to your school. I have played nine hole rounds recently and shot 41,41,42, and 43. The bottom line: golf has been a lot of fun and there is nothing better for your ego than out-driving big muscular non-Zen golfers. I recently out-drove a former tight end from the University of Texas on virtually every hole!"

Steven Schultz, Boston, MA

"A progress report 5 months after Great Shot! I had my first ace (167 yards) and am now shooting in the high 80's (formerly around 98-104). I'm also two full clubs longer than last year. I am very happy with my progress. I no longer have the questions that plagued my mind and in turn paralyzed my body. When I do shoot poorly, I know it's only because I need to practice more and play more. I really appreciate what you've done for me and I want to continue the journey. See you in the spring for Short Game school and thanks a million!"

Steve Davidson, Libby, Montana

"The clarity Jim gave to the golf swing was awesome! Comparing "Joe Hacker's" swing to the Tour Pro Swing Model (Ernie Els, David Toms, Elkington, Tiger, Anika) allowed for easy learning and understanding. Jim was able to communicate to all of us in a way we could understand. I have been given many tools needed to practice and build a proper golf swing. Thanks tons! I will be back."

Kent Coulter, Edmonton, Canada

"I really enjoyed my Great Shot! golf swing school. The material was easy to understand, with plenty of demonstrations and a good explanation of WHY we were doing what we were doing. The arm swing illusion explanation and the corresponding drills were major light bulbs for me. $695 for tuition and $95 for the extra Learning Golf class for over 30 hours of instruction - you can't beat that anywhere! We also had a 3:1 student to teacher ratio which was great. Thanks, Jim, Cliff, Kurt and Mike!"

Nea Ross, Seattle, WA

"Jim Waldron's enthusiasm and sincere effort to help the student's help themselves was the thing I enjoyed the most about my Balance Point golf school. I achieved a much better total understanding of the golf swing as a result. This school was perfect for me!"

Rodger Blue, Bend, OR

"I have had regular golf lessons before, now I understand that this is how it should be taught...the school was constant variation from verbal to demonstration to drills for fundamentals to practice, you kept it interesting. For the first time in my life, I truly feel I have a solid base to build from. Demonstration with clear verbal explanation, then practice is an ideal teaching method. This school exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect to have such a clear vision of how to improve my swing "map" and to know the things I will have to do to get there. The school was an excellent value - a lot of money but even more progress and knowledge. Thank you! You and Cliff were great! I have already recommended your school to three people my first day back home after graduation."

John Martin, Salem, OR

"Do I believe the school will result in permanent improvement to my game? Absolutely. It already has. I'm not topping the ball nearly as much and my half swing shots with a 7 iron are going farther and straighter than many of my previous shots. I can now clearly visualize what a good swing is...the school exceeded my expectations. I'm not sure that I really thought that as many light bulbs would come on as actually happened. Thanks, Jim and Cliff too!"

Lois Brooks, Portland, OR

"I shot a 40 yesterday, with two bogeys, two birdies and a quad, which was due to a stupid mental error. I only missed one fairway and two greens, and the highlight of the day was a 320 yard right down the middle with no "effort" at all! I think my subconscious is starting to use the correct swing program! THANKS!"

Hank Hart, Portland, OR

"A very well thought-out, logical approach to teaching the golf swing. The Great Shot! golf school gave me exactly what I was looking for, the opportunity to really immerse myself in learning about the golf swing. What happens in the golf swing had always been a mystery to me -now I understand everything conceptually. This school provided the tools and road map needed to improve my game."

Mark Rose, Portland, OR

"I really got it by Sunday, lots of "light bulbs" - the school completely changed my beliefs about the golf swing! Lots of different methods of explanation, ie verbal, feel, visual - Jim is a great teacher! The school exceeded my expectations in the amount that I learned and also in how hard I worked, which is a good thing! The dollar value for the time was superb, additional help was offered if you were struggling. I look forward to watching myself change into a "real" golfer. I now have the knowledge and tools to accomplish that goal, which gives me lots of hope and reduces or eliminates frustration. Played my first round since your swing school on Sunday, played so well from tee to green, it was amazing! I went from getting my shots up in the air before taking your school about 25% of the time to 90% of the time on Sunday! I was in the fairway all day long.I hit some amazing shots.It felt SOOO good! All of this with only a half-swing. I almost beat my husband. I am so happy! Thanks so much for your help, Jim!

Paula Park, Alaska

"I enjoyed the learning process of your golf school immensely! I had too many light bulbs to count!"

Duane Barnes, Chicago

"The swing concepts made a lot of sense, were presented in an easy to understand manner and gave us time to apply them immediately. Jim's teaching style is down to earth and straight forward, bringing the ideas to my level on the very first day. Excellent value, lots of hours and personal attention."

Colleen Durst, Wisconsin

"I've been reading from your Great Shot! manual again and so many of the things I did not quite understand before now stand out and really mean a lot to me. Like not thinking mechanics during play, rather focus on the target. As I train, my confidence builds and my game improves. Thanks again!"

Ken Frazier, Colorado

"Jim, I feel the like the lesson I had with you yesterday and the change we made to my backswing is the biggest breakthrough I've had in several years! I hit two large buckets after the lesson and virtually every shot was wonderful and the new backswing felt totally natural! I played nine holes after our lesson and was hitting every club 10-30 yards further! I could go on and on..."

Ellen Hopper, Lake Oswego, OR

"Jim Waldron is golf personified. I have never experienced a golf teacher, either in person or through the electronic or print media, who understands the intricacies of the game of golf as Jim does. This Short Game school met my expectations, but my expectations were very high to begin most golf schools, the featured instructor is not there or puts in a token appearance. Jim Waldron was there with us throughout the entire school. Because of what I have learned, I am more confident in executing my pitches and putts."

Bob Jalovi, Spokane, WA

"The Great Shot! golf swing school was awesome! I enjoyed every single aspect of the school - the intensity, drills, instructors. The ideas were clear and informative and I liked how open the coaches were to our questions. I have gained a clear intellectual understanding of the golf swing and some basic motor skills. I had been exposed to some of the concepts from previous instructors but the intensive learning experience really helped me to "get it" for the very first time. The structured follow up practice program is really excellent! The school more than met my expectations, I experienced some real breakthroughs. This school was much less expensive than some of the other Top 25 golf schools. Who needs a fancy resort, dinners, playing golf in the afternoons, cocktails with the pros, etc? I came to learn how to be a better golfer and Jim's Total Immersion intensive, three full days of golf training really worked for me."

Bill Ashby, Santa Barbara, CA

"The clarity with which my old, ineffective swing was "blown up" was fantastic. It became very clear why I had been so inconsistent. Had I gone to another, "traditional" type of golf school, I believe I would have ended up with some very expensive tips or "band-aids". At Balance Point Golf Schools, I got the truth - which is priceless! Seeing the Arm Swing Illusion was a tremendous learning experience. Jim, thanks for finding such a professional way to share what you have spent a lifetime learning!"

Tom Lawrie, California

"Learning about the swing myths and having the swing broken down in detail was extremely valuable. Learning how to perform and apply golf swing concepts is a difficult subject to communicate to others. Jim did a great job at doing this. The golf school was of great value to me in instilling the fundamentals of the golf swing." ...from a beginner golfer.

Poppy Ann Koch, San Diego, CA

"Here is what I most enjoyed about my Great Shot! golf swing school. 1. Identifying and isolating all the components of the swing and learning how to do them correctly and how to put them all together. 2. the humor. 3. the honest directness of feedback. 4. Jim and Cliff are great teachers. The golf swing used to be a mystery to me. Now there are clearly defined components."

Margaret Lowe, Seattle, WA

"I did want to to thank you for allowing me to attend your fine Great Shot! golf school in May 2002. I can see why you and your school are well thought of by Golf Magazine and your students. The repetitive nature of your teaching makes it so any one with half a brain and any coordination comes out of the school confident in their new found ability."

Dan Weber, Portland, OR

"There was a lot of material covered in three full days, yet I feel like I learned it all! The demonstrations and explanations - backed up by the photos of the tour pros - did a great job in getting the lesson across. I especially enjoyed learning exactly what happens in a model tour pro golf swing and getting the tools to learn that swing. I know what to practice now."

Rod Lewis, Portland, OR

"I really believe that Jim Waldron has developed a clear, precise approach to teaching the golf swing. His instruction is well documented in the course material and his theories are well supported. In my experience it is very difficult to clearly communicate golf related instruction from teacher to student. Jim and his staff are very approachable and open to questions to insure
clear communication. I feel that I received the most value - dollar-wise - of any golf school I could have attended. The material is of high quality."

Les Szabo, Portland, OR

"I think that you have a truly revolutionary approach to golf instruction. Very progressive, very well thought out. The program is well rounded and deals with mental and physical training well. I'm very lucky that you are located in my region. Everything I thought I knew about the golf swing going in to start the school was proven not only wrong, but it did not make any sense from a scientific perspective. I am shocked that I am still able to remember so many facets of the swing concepts that we learned about at the school. It dominates my thoughts still!"

Mike Banker, Gresham, OR

"I really appreciated the personal attention each student received, as well as how the material was broken down into step by step learning, I was then able to immediately apply what I was learning. I rate both the quality of learning and quality of instruction a 10! I thought that Jim's attention to language and semantics allowed for very clear instruction without confusion or mispercption. Breaking down the swing into components and explaining the many swing myths was key for me. My mechanics will never again be in doubt."

Dennis Sato, San Diego, CA

"My story prior to attending Jim Waldron's Great Shot! golf swing school: Mostly self taught (badly, like most golfers) with seven or eight half hour lessons and intermittent golf over a 40 year period. Read a lot about the golf swing but could not put it into practice. I felt that "tips", more half hour lessons and smashing buckets of balls was not the answer in helping me to improve my game. Instinctively, I knew the answer for me was to focus on my golf swing and nothing else for me to really understand it AND have something meaningful to practice. I felt a golf "school" would suit me best but not the typical golf school that offers to teach 27 aspects of the game in three days, including lunch, for "only" $2,450. They might be able to "teach" all that in three days but I knew I had no hope of learning it all in three days. I found Balance Point Golf Schools on Golf Magazine's website and was impressed with their Top 25 Golf School rating,. I chose Jim Waldron's golf school primarily due to the teaching philosophy which was spelled out in detail on the school's website. I am glad I did!

I have been seriously struggling with this game in excess of 20 years now. During those years, I took several lessons, including some that showed me first hand how bad I was compared to Ernie Els, for example. In all those years, I estimate that I struck the ball brilliantly perhaps 25 times. What occurred the other few thousand times I had no idea until I attended the Great Shot! golf swing school. The three days of training focused solely on developing the skills necessary to strike the ball with consistency, power and distance and the feel of doing so. Jim also exposed the golf swing illusions and the myths based on those illusions which we students had been relying on and trying to learn for such a long time. It dawned on almost all of us students that we had been trying to learn things about the golf swing that were, in fact, not happening in a good player's swing.

Great Shot! school is intense, practically non-stop except for a 45 minute lunch break, and the home work lasts a lifetime. There are no movies, "cocktails with the pros", rounds of golf, meals, or glitzy brochures. What is offered is solid training that lasts forever for those committed to the thrill of playing at a much higher level. I highly recommend the Balance Point Golf Schools to anyone frustrated about his or her game. I believe they will come away as amazed as I did."

Richard Kaufmann, Creswell, OR

"I just wanted to let you know I have been working on my upper body bracing and it's starting to pay off. I had one of my best ball striking days last week. Shot 36 with two birdies and a lost ball in the rough double. I hit 7 of 9 greens in regulation, almost drove a 320 yard par 4, and got to one par 5 in two shots. Thanks for you help, Jim."

Daniel Nelson, Beaverton, OR

"I really enjoyed my Rip It to the Target! and Short Game schools with you. It was the first golf school I attended where I felt I actually learned somethings that could actually help my game long term. I was very impressed that you did a follow up call. I thought that was way beyond the call of duty. That makes me feel like you care about what you do. I preach things like that in my teacher training workshops. I think few golf teachers do that. I definitely would not go to another golf school ever... I plan to be back. Thanks again for everything."

Blaine Ray, Bakersfield, CA

"Fantastic experience at my Balance Point Golf Schools! Short Game, Target and Great Shot! were all eye openers. Excellent communication on the part of the instructors - a ten. It's not easy to take all the complicated motion and physics and explain it clearly. You did a great job. I especially enjoyed learning what a golf swing is really all about...I feel like I really understand now what happens with each body part and in what sequence. I absolutely believe that this experience will result in long term permanent improvement to my game. I set up my garage over a year ago with a net, mirror, etc. but really struggled with coming up with a plan to work on skills. It's clear after coming to Great Shot! why I struggled. I didn't really understand the fundamentals. The books you recommended helped, but without the experience at Great Shot! it could have taken me years to learn what I did in four days.

I experienced many large breakthroughs about the golf swing in general with smaller related breakthroughs about the proper sequence of motion. This golf school far exceeded my expectations. You provided a clear road map to follow for my practice plan after graduation. The school was a good deal - I divided the cost by the number of hours of instruction and came up with a number around $40 per hour, which is a real bargain considering what I learned and also that most instructors charge twice this rate. Individual attention was exceptional - only three students in my Great Shot! school in Palm Springs and two instructors!

I expect that some students at other golf schools pay more than what you charge at Great Shot! and don't learn 1/4 as much as I did. I think the right level of levity was employed to keep things relaxed and flowing. It's clear that you have done your research on golf and related topics so that you can deliver a quality program. I hope the non-traditional methods you use catch on. Anyone who truly wants to learn surely will if they attend one of your golf schools."

John Ferguson, New Hampshire

"Jim Waldron's ideas about golf instruction work! His method combines cutting-edge research on the mechanics of the golf swing with time-tested methods of total immersion learning. He promises no shortcuts or easy fixes for the poor golf swing, but rather teachers a method aimed at "imprinting" the correct golf swing into the student's subconscious memory. His program includes simple drills that can be performed at home without expensive training aids. The training manual is great...Jim has an unbelievable passion for teaching golf that is the best thing about this school.

I have never met anyone as fascinated and obsessed with the golf swing. Jim's goal is to help make you a better ball striker. He should charge more! Compared to other golf schools, this school is an incredible bargain. If Jim Waldron could teach me, a lifelong hacker, how to swing the club better, then his message needs to be spread far and wide."

Craig Mohler, MD, Eugene, OR in a letter to Golf Academy Live show producers

"I have taken other golf instruction and been to other golf schools. This school will have, and already has had, a much greater impact on my game. I especially appreciated the comprehensive theory and analysis brought to the teaching/training. The focus is on real learning, not just on playing or hitting balls. I had many "light bulbs" - I've read and heard a lot of swing theory before but now I truly understand what is important and what I should focus on. In general, I think golf instruction is over-priced and it keeps many amateurs from improving their game. However, relative to the cost of other golf schools, my Balance Point golf school delivered very good value."

Paul Volen, San Francisco, CA

"The quality of the learning I experienced at Great Shot! was a ten. Finally a golf school that hits all the fundamentals of golf one step at a time. Jim makes sure all of his students are paying attention and understand the material before moving on to the next step. Jim's personality and approach to teaching makes it easy to absorb the material being taught. I felt before the school that Great Shot! would be a disappointment like the other schools I had attended, however it was not."

Deborah Haddad, Portland, OR

"For the first time I learned how the proper golf swing actually works. And I was given a road map (practice regimen) to learn the proper swing."

David Price, Portland, OR

"This was the best golf school I ever attended. I am totally motivated to incorporate the information received into my game. I have never met an instructor who had such a command of the material he was teaching as Jim Waldron. I especially enjoyed the school's "completeness" - drills, system, written material, individual instruction - the complete package. I experienced significant learning concept of the arms during the swing was way off...I now have a much better idea of how all the parts fit together...the school exceeded my expectations...I did not expect such in depth instruction about the golf swing. This school was a good value - I received the best possible training ever at any price."

Jess Linville, Sacramento, CA

"Jim's method of teaching made the points he was trying to make very clear. I couldn't believe how fast I was able to absorb the material! It is truly amazing how much easier everything was once I was able to free my mind! This is the way a golf school is meant to be - fun, informative and rewarding!

Chris Hill, San Diego, CA

"Your Great Shot! school was a 10! I wouldn't consider attending any other golf school - Jim Waldron's approach makes a lot of sense. The course material was broken down into easily understandable chunks that could then be assembled into a swing, leaving the student with a TOTAL understanding of the swing. By following my practice plan, I know my improvement will be astounding but my enjoyment of the game will be even greater. The communication of the material was crystal clear. This school far exceeded my expectations - the best thing I've ever done for my game. It was worth every penny of tuition - probably the best value in golf school education today."

Alan Weiss, Seattle, WA

"The content of the class was great - fun, informative, very unique compared to most golf instruction. So often golf instruction over-emphasizes mechanics and yes, we covered mechanics, however the school was not consumed by mechanics. The instruction was delivered very effectively. From a consumer standpoint I believe there was a real "bang for my buck".

One week later I won Broadmoor's club championship, my first victory! This is the greatest accomplishment I have ever achieved in golf. I recently won the low amateur title at an Oregon PGA pro-am event, shooting under par for the first time in a tournament. Once again, a lesson from Jim helped me to stay focused, calm and in control of my game. Anyone who really enjoys golf can greatly benefit from what Jim Waldron has to offer."

Jim Weitzel, Gresham, OR

"Great Shot! was truly a 'full learning model' - theory, explanation, example, adoption. Wonderful reality! I especially appreciated the instructors' honest bluntness about what is easy - and what is not. I enjoyed the feeling of an effortless yet powerful golf swing. I absolutely believe this experience will carry over into permanent improvement to my game. I have been able to hit more solid shots while learning than at any time prior to the school. The school exceeded my expectations. Like most golfers I have been disappointed by many "phantom cures" in the past. This was the real deal, non-sugar coated. A fabulous experience, Jim! I will be sending you more students."

Paul Leonard, Hayden Lake, ID

"I really liked the format of learning drills to practice at home. I never understood the mechanics of the golf swing before. Now I do. I am excited that I now have a detailed plan to follow to make me a much better golfer. I never heard of a golf school before that gives you more after you leave than during the school. I feel I will continue to improve - that is the magic of what your golf school offers - it's going to be in my subconscious!

I think the cost of tuition was very fair for the amount of information received. I am very impressed with how willing you are to follow up and support us after the school. Thanks for a great weekend and helping me on my journey towards the golf of my dreams."

June Griffiths, Seattle, WA

"I just wanted to tell you that after our one hour lesson on Thursday, I worked on my new grip and setup drills on Friday and went to the range on Saturday. I haven't hit balls that well in my life and I'm not exaggerating! Straight, high, and most importantly for me - on the sweet spot, and with every club in the bag. I was so excited, I was afraid to stop for fear I would "lose it". I stayed out practicing for four hours. Then I came out Sunday and practiced four more hours. My ego is restored! Now I'm looking even more forward to the school. If I can improve that much in an hour what will 3 days do for me?!! Consider yourself my new golf coach."

Michael Williams, Portland, OR

"Jim Waldron knows more about the golf swing and it's fundamental mechanics than anyone one I've ever met or any golf instruction book or article I've ever read. I attended his Great Shot! swing school and came away with a whole new understanding of the golf swing. This enabled me to make several important and permanent swing changes which dramatically improved my ball striking, especially my consistency. As a result, my average score dropped from low nineties to low eighties just a few months after completing Jim's school. If you are interested in achieving real progress in your game, you should seriously consider attending a Balance Point program."

Jim Robison, Portland, OR

"My golf game was purely mechanics, uptight and not very fun prior to my participation in Balance Point. At the Great Shot! swing school, I had the opportunity to step back and experience what I was doing rather than just doing. My whole context about the way I saw golf to be played shifted dramatically. The result being I now have the mental and mechanical skills to hit the ball well, not just hit the ball.

I put Balance Point Schools right up there with other educational programs I have attended that have enhanced my effectiveness to move forward and create the results I want. What I liked best about Balance Point Golf Schools was the simple fact I had a golf club in my hand!"

Ray Peck, Portland, OR

"The Great Shot! school that I attended got me back on the right track after a slump in which golf was no longer fun and I couldn't break 100. I learned sound, long-lasting fundamentals of grip, swing, preshot routine, target focus and practice that brought immediate and continuing improvement in my shotmaking. Before Jim's school, I was just flailing away, guessing really, hoping I wouldn't mishit the ball.

I rarely hit a really bad shot now and when I do, I know why and how to correct it. My chronic slice has turned into a nice consistent draw. I shoot in the low nineties now, occasionally in the high eighties, just a couple of months after completing the school. Jim Waldron is truly an innovative instructor who makes his student's golf goals his number one priority. I will use what I learned for years to come."

Mike Stewart, Portland, OR

"I wanted to write and let you know how much I enjoyed your golf school and continue to enjoy and respect your instruction methods. I absolutely believe that your teaching methods and theories are correct. I became convinced immediately when I started "feeling" the correct mechanics which resulted in better shots more consistently. I feel I have made monumental improvements. As you know I am a beginner golfer. I had been taking 30 minute lessons from various teachers for about a year. It is clear to me now that I would never have understood or felt I had any clue as to how to approach to the ball, let alone set up and swing! This was a great experience for me and made the idea of playing golf much more fun¼
...and you were right, one year later I actually do hit the ball much better with my eyes closed than open!! I haven't dare try to take that to the golf course yet but I have impressed my friends doing that drill on the range! I had not fully realized how "ball bound" I was. I now understand that the golf is not a "hit the ball with the clubhead" game but rather a "hit the target with the ball" game. The ball just gets in the way of my sweeping clubhead motion now. A golf professional recently paired up with my group as we finished playing nine and remarked at what a great and "simple" swing I had. What a compliment! But I did work very hard for a year to create that "simple swing". Thanks, Jim."

Karen Bates, Portland, OR

"It's no coincidence that I won the Northwest Open, my first major victory as a professional, just one week after working with Jim Waldron on my game. On the second round, playing in the Zone, I shot five under par on the front nine! His methods are easy to learn and easy to do on the golf course. I highly recommend Jim Waldron to any golfer who wants to find a reliable way to be the best that they can be."

Doug Hixson, PGA
Head Golf Professional, Quail Valley Golf Course

"I want to thank you for your expertise in helping me prepare to compete near, if not at, my maximum potential for the World Putting Championship. Your knowledge and teaching style enabled me to quickly grasp your methods. I have read articles on the mental aspect of golf, I have heard well known golf mental gurus speak about visualization, but I had never before read or heard anyone explain to me how I can reliably get into the "zone" and compete at my maximum. I made 5 aces in the World Championship. The putting was truly world class. I cannot thank you enough!"

Donald Iverson, Washington State Putting Champion, Vancouver, WA

"It is my understanding that Jim Waldron of Balance Point Golf Schools has been nominated for consideration as one of GOLF Magazine's Top 100 Teachers in the nation. How about Top Ten! During my twelve years as a golf professional in Hawaii, I've had the opportunity to spend time with several of your already named Top 100 Teachers including Hank Haney, Kevin Walker, John Geertsen and others. Jim is truly a pioneer in golf instruction and would be a great person to have as one of your recognized teachers for several reasons. Jim's methodology is based upon years of research into the mind/body connection model. Many instructors have a great handle on the mechanics of the swing but don't really understand the next level like Jim does.

Jim knows more about psychology, physiology, mental control, etc than many college professors out there. His wealth of knowledge provides him the opportunity to pinpoint the area that needs the most attention in order for a student to advance in their understanding of the golf swing and overall game. I have spent a great deal of time with Jim over the past four years both on the range and on the phone discussing the art of golf instruction both mechanically and mentally. Jim has my vote as one of the Top 100 Teachers in the nation."

Dave Wunder, PGA Head Professional
Waikoloa Beach Course, HI

"Your Great Shot! Golf school was the most clear explanation of the golf swing and what really is happening in the swing that I have ever been exposed to."

Robert Walsh, Seattle, WA

"Both your Short Game and Breakthrough mental game schools have been very beneficial. I recently vacationed on the Big Island and played Mauna Lani North. I had never seen the course before and shot a 76! It was like my golf ball was on a string! It's a great feeling to stand over a shot on the tee box or fairway and have the ability to hit your target. On the holes I did miss my target my chipping and putting came through. I'm light years ahead from where I started. My average scores have dropped by 8 to 10 strokes since I started working with you and I know that I will continue to lower my handicap and increase my enjoyment from playing golf!"

Paul Haughom, Portland, OR

"Excellent program, very good one on one coaching through practice drills. I needed to understand the "whys" and was given that information. The enthusiasm of the presentation was great. I believe my golf skills improved significantly during and after the school. I compared the cost with other schools and found the tuition charged to be cost competitive. Jim deals well with the various personalities involved. He is direct, honest and skilled at redirecting attention back to the task and I appreciated that. I played in a tournament after graduating and decided to just let go and have fun with no expectations except to enjoy the day.

I finished the front nine with a 43 - a personal best for me, and the round with another personal best, a 92 - in a tie for low net of the field. The really amazing thing for me is that I enjoyed that round more than any I have ever played. It was just a pleasure from start to finish. The ONLY things I reminded myself to do was not to coach or criticize myself - just observe and feel my shots and to focus on the target. Something is starting to work! Thanks, Jim."

Maureen Polich, Banks, OR

"I took Jim Waldron's Great Shot! and several other Balance Point Golf Schools. Jim's strengths include: a personal one on one relationship, much like a coach - he cares; a sophisticated learning model that he tailors to the individual; Jim presents scientific evidence to back up his full swing theories much like Dave Pelz does in his short game schools; his lessons and training continue to work on the practice range and on the golf course - the improvement in your game sticks with you. I don't know anyone who takes Jim's instruction that is not enthusiastic about the results and feels that they get value for their money. When I first started working with Jim my handicap was 28.5. Today, just eight months later it's at 19. I used to shoot 100-110 before I met Jim. I shot 86 twice within 4 months of starting lessons with Jim. He is a real genius when it comes to teaching golf. Bottom line is I cut ten strokes off my game because of Jim's instruction and I am having a lot more fun on the golf course."

Mike Safley, Hillsboro, OR

"Some feedback from the Breakthrough mental game school I took a couple weeks ago. After giving the class a chance to seep into my mind and settle into my approach to playing the game, I am thrilled to let you know that last Saturday I recorded my personal best ever round - a 74 at Quail Valley. It was also the first time I have ever shot even par for nine holes! Your approach to the mental side of the game helped me to control my emotions and recognize "contaminated thinking". I found I was able to approach shots with a freer and more relaxed attitude. Thanks, Jim!"

Phil Thygeson , Beaverton, OR

"I appreciated the individual assistance in acquiring the concepts about the fundamentals. No such thing as a perfect swing holds true for golf instruction but this came very close. I enjoyed Jim Waldron's personality, intellect and especially his humor. I also enjoyed the candor of his teaching style. The instruction brought together a greater understanding of the total correct golf swing. The school exceeded my expectations. The information presented cleared up various misconceptions of the golf swing and made the new picture very focused. This golf school is the only way to learn the true fundamentals especially compared to band-aid golf instruction via a lesson. This experience was great! I can't get enough of this stuff - makes golf fun!"

Roger Kulp, Portland, OR

"I used to be a typical weekend player, shooting in the low to mid-nineties. My short game stunk! I had tried everything and nothing seemed to work. I then took the Balance Point Short Game school. Jim helped me understand proper chipping and putting technique and how to use my mind to get the ball in the hole. Three days later using Jim's methods, I shot a 31, one over par, on a short executive course. Four weeks later I shot a 77, breaking 80 for the first time. I now shoot consistently in the mid-eighties or lower on occasion. I am confident now about my short game whereas before I was always fearful standing over a putt or chip. Now when I am within 50 yards of the hole, I expect to get it up and down and usually do! My friends are amazed at the difference in my game. Needless to say, I am tickled pink! Thank you, Jim for a great golf school experience and for renewing my enthusiasm for the game!"

Duane Steinberg, Gresham, OR

"Jim, I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful lessons I received these past few days. It was a revelation experiencing the true nature of the golf swing. I feel that it has already improved my game."

Alberto Swett, Seattle, WA

"I agreed to have Jim work with the PSU team and can now say that it was the best thing I have ever done. Since that time, the changes which have come about as a result of his work are phenomenal. I highly recommend Jim's Balance Point techniques to anyone interested in drastically improving their golf game!."

Eric Stinson, Head Golf Coach
Portland State University, Portland, OR

"This golf school went far beyond what I was expecting. This was extremely intense learning. It was also very effective. Your assistants were very helpful in working with us to make certain that we understood the drills. You made everything fun and interesting and made certain everyone stayed involved at all times. I achieved many learning breakthroughs at the school an learned many fundamentals. Now I need to practice at home to perfect those skills."

Jim Charleston, Vancouver, WA

"The Balance Point Golf School was the best of the four golf schools we have attended. The instruction was very thorough, intensive and helpful. Thank you, Jim for an excellent class. We appreciated the small class size, very personal instruction and clear explanations. We enjoyed it very much and we learned a lot."

Marilyn and Gordon Dickenson , Seattle, WA

"The content and presentation were outstanding. Jim's delivery of information and demonstrations were excellent. I especially enjoyed Jim's holistic approach to golf. I really needed both the inner and the outer games of golf. Now I finally have confidence that I know what to practice. My performance on the practice range has remarkably improved. The school exceeded my expectations. I now have a much greater appreciation for the subconscious in learning and performing a golf swing. I no longer feel that I am wasting my time practicing!"

Ken Brooks, Portland, OR

"Jim has taken me from a guy who never broke 100 to a 17 handicap and a best round of 84. I recently shot a 39 for nine holes. That's a long way from where I started! What makes Jim unique is an encyclopedic knowledge of the golf swing combined with the ability to teach in the "language" of the learner. After attending his school, my average score has dropped by 12 strokes."

David Kopf, Beaverton, OR

"Jim Waldron is an outstanding instructor. He is the most knowledgeable golf teacher I have ever had and the written material that he provides in his Great Shot! golf school demonstrates that he possesses an extraordinary technical knowledge of the golf swing. Jim has an incredible ability to detect subtle faults in a golf swing and is then able to clearly articulate and demonstrate what you need to do to correct the problem. He doesn't try "quick fixes". Jim focuses on basic fundamentals and provides various drills to help you work on the details of every aspect of the game. He also helps you to set realistic expectations and works with you to teach you how to relax. One of his principle objectives is to help you to enjoy the game more."

Bob Sternberg, Portland, OR

"I would like to take this opportunity to give Jim Waldron and his Balance Point Golf Schools my highest possible recommendation. Besides his instruction on the mechanics of the golf swing, which have been excellent, he offers much more in the way of golf instruction. He has opened up a whole new way to look at golf and the golf swing for me that has been very effective and has increased my enjoyment of the game. By opening this new paradigm, I have been able to make considerable improvement in a short period of time."

Stephen Ross, Aloha, OR

"My handicap is down to a ten - I started the season as a 14. Last Saturday I shot a 77 with three birdies. Yesterday I shot 79 with two birdies. I've had two third place finishes this summer.

Today, my partner and I won the President's Invitational at Progress Downs, the season ending event for our men's club. I could say this success is simply due to luck but to say that would be to deny giving credit for where it is rightly due. The level at which I am now playing and the confidence I feel in my ability to execute shots is attributable to the time we spent together this summer.

And if this in itself weren't exciting enough, I know it can only get better from here!...Your teaching methods showed me how to go beyond "curing" a physical symptom and address the problem at it's root. By connecting the mind and body together my game has improved and my swing changes have become more permanent."

Dal Norris, Portland, OR

"I met Jim Waldron in the spring of 1995 and was fortunate enough to take a lesson from him. Being a golf professional myself, I'm always interested in and skeptical of teachers I meet. Jim's ideas are fresh and the mechanical side of his teachings are based on scientific facts. In fifteen minutes I had regained all lost confidence and surpassed any prior feelings of accomplishment. I would highly recommend golfers of all abilities to attend his schools."

Stephen H. Burch, PGA professional, Cornelius, OR

"During my tenure as a PGA teaching professional I've had the opportunity to meet and work with many talented instructors, including serving as a teaching assistant under Jimmy Ballard and Peter Croker. In my professional opinion, Jim Waldron's mind/body approach to golf instruction is extremely effective and unique... This kind of result in golf is unthinkable! Jim Waldron is onto something very special in golf instruction. A way to improve your golf game in less time while enjoying it more. Every golfer owes it to themselves to check out Jim's golf schools."

Mark Clare, PGA teaching professional, New Jersey

"Your Great Shot! golf school I rated a 10. All my questions were answered and individual attention was given to all. The mechanics of the swing as well as the reasons for each drill was clearly explained. I definitley feel that this experience will translate into permanent improvement in my game. This school gave me not only a clear understanding of the swing mechanics but an insight into the mental aspects of the game. I got more information and understanding than I would have from multiple single lessons. Your assistants were very very good!!"

Gary Namura, Portland, OR

"My understanding of the golf swing is now 100% better. My ball striking is 1,000% better and my enjoyment of the game is 2,000% better! Thanks, Jim for a great golf school experience. I learned a tremendous amount of useful information that has made a real difference in my game. And my scores show it! The Short Game School was especially beneficial. Your unique method for controlling distance with the partial wedge shots is fantastic."

Richard Weiss, Port Ludlow, WA

"I am very pleased with my experience at your Great Shot! School. I would rate it a 9 on a scale of one to ten. There was a good explanation of each concept followed by a drill to reinforce/learn the concept¼.there was a good balance of verbal and written material and examples that were presented for each concept. I especially enjoyed the small class size and personal attention, as well as your teaching approach - from the ground up instead of just "tweaking" our existing swing. This golf school definitely exceeded my expectations. Along with learning the basic concepts, you showed us exercises to learn the concepts and the training plan. I now believe I understand what I need to learn and I have a map to learn it!¼It has now been 5 months since I took your school. My golf swing has improved dramatically especially my distance. I used to hit a 7 iron 135-140 yards max - now I hit it 165-170 yards! I have stopped slicing the ball and my scores are coming down. I recently hit a 3 wood over 250 yards! Long par 4's are no longer a problem for me."

Joe Santich, Corvallis, OR

"The learning experience in Breakthrough was excellent! I enjoyed the relaxed manner in which the material was presented. I am very confident it will work wonders in my game...the school definitely exceeded my expectations - a total change in attitude!"

Bob Montagne, Bend OR

"I experienced fantastic changes in attitude and shotmaking. Breakthrough and Foundation absolutely exceeded my expectations. The level of learning was very high - at least an 8. The drills and physical experiences were the best...your physical demonstrations also gave real insight. I had some reservations about some of the drills - you proved me wrong! The school was great and you were too!"

Dick Kerns, Bend, OR

"I am enclosing a copy of my last 9 holes at Quail Valley, a 41, my best score! Our last session to help me stay in my "tilt" has helped enormously. I really feel I am beginning to grasp both the mechanics and the mental part of your teaching. Your methods are paying off. I'm excited! I really feel your concepts and methods are primo.

... In the past year since working with you, my average scores have dropped from 52-55 for nine holes to 42-45. I recently shot my lowest round ever, a 39, at Claremont. Thank you, Jim!"

Alan Lachman, Portland, OR

"I used to be a mediocre college player with a poor self image and virtually no confidence. After working with Jim Waldron's mind/body connection principles and techniques my whole game improved tremendously and in a very short period of time. I've lowered my score by an average of six shots. I have one first place finish, one second, one third place and have consistently placed in the top ten in college tournaments this past season."

Steve Kunselman, PSU Golf team member, Portland, OR

"I have been working with Jim Waldron for three years now. Until I met Jim and entrusted my golf improvement to him, I was floundering, mired in the terrible abyss of golf tips, trying real hard, and being attached to my score. Everything's changed. My golf swing is reconstructed to the point that when I do miss a shot, which is rare, I know right away that it's because I tried again instead of surrendering to the target and trusting the golf swing movements I have been programming in for the last three years. Moreover, my on course demeanor and attitude and emotions is playful REGARDLESS OF WHAT I SHOOT! Consequently, my scores are coming down (in tournament play of all places) and I once again am enjoying the game because I've embraced the process.

Thank you, Jim for introducing me to the process of true golf improvement rather than the awful score based land of "flog". I am now beginning to "play golf"."

Cliff Goldman, Portland, OR

"Compared to other golf instruction I had received, your method was more of a total all inclusive approach to learning the fundamentals of a solid golf swing. I really enjoyed the process of breaking down the learning process into inter-related steps. The school was good value for the money. I will spend a substantial amount of money playing golf for many years to come. Any money spent on helping me to enjoy golf more is definitely worth the investment."

Jess Hamby, Beaverton, OR

"The information in our school was presented in a patient, friendly, yet structured style, easily understood and fun. The quality and comprehensive nature of the instruction was outstanding. The school exceeded my expectations - the quality of the program surprised me. The training manual was the crown jewel for me! I feel lucky to have found this program. I have a new vision of golf. My enjoyment of the game has been elevated as a result of attending this Balance Point Golf School."

Brian Chabot, Boston, MA

"Jim has a great passion for unraveling the mysteries of the golf swing and he shares that with his students. Exposure to the most important swing fundamentals was the best part of the school for me. I got more out of the school than I thought I would. The cost was very reasonable in relation to the value delivered. It was a great investment. Thank you, Jim - you are a great teacher!"

Arnie Hammer, Portland, OR

"Speaking to professionals in the Oregon chapter of the PGA, you stretched our imaginations beyond the traditional lines. Your programs offer great depths in ways to communicate, teach and create better learners. Sharing your innovative drills was fun, for they break away from the traditional approach. Unfortunately, four hours can only touch on the many mind/body connections that you have to offer. I look forward to having you back to speak again, or better yet, create an all day workshop, in the near future."

John Welsh, Education Coordinator, PGA Oregon Chapter

"I took up golf 3 years ago and attended a nationally known golf school three times during the first 18 months and was a fixture on the practice range. Yet despite this, my game was inconsistent and frustrating. I recently took the Great Shot! swing school. To me, Jim Waldron's schools should be called "Turning Point" rather than Balance Point. Jim is an expert on human movement and he taught me about the body mechanics of the swing in a way I never would have grasped by myself, no matter how many books, golf magazines or TV tips I tried to absorb. His school is for the dedicated, because for the prospective student, it will be the beginning of a program to consistent improvement."

Steve Elliot, Modesto, CA

"I was a relatively new golfer, playing in the 110 to 118 range, when I enrolled in a Balance Point Golf School. Not long after I was diagnosed with a serious illness. I had no energy. I longed to play and practice golf but could not. Since I was unable to do any of the Balance Point physical drills I decided to practice some of the visualization exercises from the school manual that are designed to improve one's swing mechanics.

I practiced every day (without a club and ball) and my "swing" became very comfortable to me. Nine months later I played golf (and swung a golf club) for the first time since taking ill and shot a career best 95 at Black Butte! I shot my lowest score because of the familiarity and trust I had in my swing. Jim Waldron's teaching, ideas and passion for the game are outstanding."

Mark Benoit, Eugene, OR

"Jim Waldron's instruction techniques, ability to communicate to the average golfer and knowledge of the game are the best I have ever encountered. Through his instruction I became the most improved golfer in the Quail Valley Men's Club in 1997. My handicap dropped from 16.8 to 12.4 in just one season."

John McCully, Aloha, OR

"I began taking lessons from Jim Waldron in the spring of 1998. My short game was inconsistent and my scores showed it. Jim started with a complete game evaluation to arrive at a baseline skill level. We then worked on chipping and pitching in detail. The result? Now I can consistently get up and down around the greens 75% of the time. Prior to working with Jim, it was only 25% of the time.

Jim is very knowledgeable with respect to the golf swing and is able to present his concepts in easy to understand examples. He has been very patient while working with me in that I have been playing golf for many years and have to unlearn some old bad habits.

He has called me to see how I am doing and shows genuine interest. I appreciate that approach very much. Jim is also an accomplished player and can demonstrate his ideas. I get results by practicing and applying his concepts."

Ron Began, Gresham, OR

"Balance Point Golf Schools introduced us to techniques that were totally new and exciting to us, making us aware of the reasons we had failed to perform as we thought we should. Susan broke 90 many times this year after ten years of so-so golf and various lessons along the way. Both of us have lowered our handicaps by several points. With Jim's methods we feel we will continue to improve and enjoy the game more."

Bruce and Susan Fenner, Mulkiteo, WA

"Before I began working with Jim Waldron I struggled to play to my 13 handicap and placed last in my flight in my club championship. I was frustrated with my game. I attended his Breakthrough school and took a series of lessons on the full swing. The Balance Point approach is unique and very different from what I had experienced with previous instructors. Jim got me to purge my mind of mechanical swing thoughts and replace them with a focus on the target and imagery to control the body and the swing. Two days of these drills had a profound effect on my swing plane and ball striking.

I immediately narrowed the variation in my scores and began playing to my handicap. I also began to win nearly every bet I was involved in. This season I played to a 10 handicap and finished second low gross in the club championship and scored better than 11 players with 6 to 8 handicaps. I know the odds are astronomical but I did record an ace in July, a 184 yard five iron. What value does one place on instruction that yields these results? Like the popular credit card commercial concludes...'priceless'."

Jim Titus, Portland, OR

"I want to let you know that I am very excited about my golf game and your instruction. I feel that we have made substantial progress not only in the mechanics of my golf swing but more importantly in my understanding of the game. I am especially encouraged since this summer was extremely stressful for me and I was not able to focus on golf, yet I was still able to make substantial progress."

Stephen Ross, Aloha, OR

"I am perhaps the most avid middle aged golfer you will ever meet. Jim is working with myself (23 handicap down to a 14) my wife, (average score of 130 down to a 105) and my daughter (player on the Oregon class 4A Girls' High School championship golf team for three years. Jim's work is long term and not "quick fix". We are all very comfortable with his program and feel that he is the best golf instructor who we have worked with since taking up the game six years ago."

Al Korelin, Vancouver, WA